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Topic review (newest first)


yes it did ty ^^


That's peculiar. Can you try the following:

* Set TRIPCODE_SECRET to arraba's ochiba
* Set ADMINS to zGDrRA2Qf0
* Go to /admin and use the tripcode log me in

Does that work?


then im editing it right but it still doesnt work i dont get it


Oops, sorry, I meant ADMINS. So, in the example given, it would be:



probably im not editing the conf file correctly i cant find the ADMIN_TRIPCODE


[Sorry for not responding sooner - I was out of town this past week]

I'm puzzled as to what could be happening. The steps should be:

* Go to
* Type in a tripcode (for example "this is my tripcode")
* You will get an error that the tripcode "gFFo9WjUU4" (just an example) is invalid.
* In conf.php, you set ADMIN_TRIPCODE to "gFFo9WjUU4" (what the string was in your case).
* Reload /admin - it should now present you with the admin stuff (you are logged in)

Can you indicate which step this appears to be going wrong?


ok i've been trying it for 30min and still havent figured it out... it always says it's invalid i edited the config file and stuff but stilçl cant get it. help? >.<

ochiba forum → Support → Admin tripcode → Post new reply

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