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sorry, I forgot to say that I fixed this error, the problem I had was when I was running php4 on my windows system, which seems to not get along with DB.php unless you had php5. Which fixed all of those problems. At the time. Now i'm using my dreamhost account to try and run ochiba.


I take it this is in install.php? Did you manually install either IT.php or DB.php, or are you using the system installs of them?

The only thing I can think of is that the install.php script does a "require_once" on both IT.php and DB.php, both of which are PEAR packages, and if you manually installed one or the other (or both), there could be a problem.


Checking for PEAR::DB ...<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Cannot redeclare class pear in <b>C:\php\pear\PEAR.php</b> on line <b>87</b><br />

I recieved this error while trying to install ochiba. Everything else is working fine I think.

A friend of mine tells me that there is probably another file declearing "class PEAR" I'd like to know how to counter this.


ochiba forum → Support → Checking for PEAR::DB → Post new reply

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