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Topic review (newest first)


excellent! thank you.


Extra processing of comments can be enabled by uncommenting the following line in index.php (should be line 12):

#require(INCLUDES_DIR . "/custom.php");

ie remove the "#".

Take a look at includes/custom.php for details on the additional processing that occurs (you can comment out stuff you don't want).


I noticed on your site you are able to make internal links within posts. For example typing >>900 would link you to the 900th post, and highlight it.

However my installation of ochiba can't do that, and so i'm wondering if it's just something you added to your image board site, or if my installation is missing somerhing.

I really like it and would like to be able to do that as well ^^. Here's a link to my image board: (i'm not trying to advertise. I just wanted to know if there was something wrong with my installation or if that script is just an extra addon you made for your site.)

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