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Topic review (newest first)


sadly i already paid a contract for 1 year of this server, so..., i need to adjust to their policies... at least for a year

i should try the not worthy plan, bunch of internal PHP commands T_T but i dont know anything...

also i would try to do the translation, is just that i didnt working on anything else, because it didnt worked T_T


Well, without being able to execute an outside binary, the "convert" call would have to be rewritten to use a bunch of internal PHP commands. It's possible, but not really worth it, to be honest. There are a great many hosters out there without such draconian policies.

As far as localization, many of the strings are in includes/strings.php, so you could start there. The templates in templates/ should cover the rest. Unfortunately, it is still scattered about, but you won't have to go into the actual code too much for this.

If you do make some headway in this effort, then I would definitely appreciate a contribution back of the localized (Spanish) versions of these files.


Okay they made me waste all day, waiting for the reply after saying, they were going to install it...

to tell me that they wont let binaries being ejecuted by php...

Help about what to do? all the options they give me is GD, but i dont know anything about GD...


Checking for convert (/usr/bin/convert) ... FAILED

Checking permissions on /tmp/ochiba-cache ...OK

Checking for HTML_Template_IT ...OK

Checking for PEAR::DB ...OK

Checking for database definition ... OK

Checking for database connection ... OK

okay the only thing stopping me from having the awesome new imgboard, is that they are taking too much time installing ImageMagick >_<

Still is there another way? to use the convert and identify?

AHH, and another question is there a way to translate it? the board to another language? because i would need it in Spanish :<


Kaze wrote:

well, at last i managed to convince the web host admin to install ImageMagick onto the server.

Whew, good thing. The use of convert would've been tricky to get around.

<b>Fatal error</b>:  main(): Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/opt/apache/lib/php') in <b>install.php</b> on line <b>62</b><br />

I think this one shouldn't be too bad - it doesn't look like your hoster has the PEAR::DB module installed (which is weird, since they have HTML_Template_IT). You can install a local copy as described at the bottom of the requirements page


well, at last i managed to convince the web host admin to install ImageMagick onto the server.

But when i run install.php, it tells me this

Checking for HTML_Template_IT ...OK

Checking for PEAR::DB ...<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  main(DB.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  main(): Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/opt/apache/lib/php') in <b>install.php</b> on line <b>62</b><br />



Im trying to install ochiba into a server that i paid for a year, why i choosed ochiba as a candidate? because this server is giving me a hard time, with a lot of restrictions, reason i didnt installed wakaba, but i hate the lack of features that futabilly has.

So Anyhow this is the issue, i think in the server imagemagick is not installed, and would take like ever for the company of web hosting to install it for me. SO is there any way to use anything else for converting and identifying images? ^^

Thanks for the Support

Generated in 0.015 seconds (72% PHP - 28% DB) with 9 queries